
GayRoyal - Dating & Chat
GayRoyal应用程序是GayRoyal.com的官方应用程序,是同性恋约会的第一名。 GayRoyal把世界放在你的手掌上--快速、简单,而且就在你的指尖上 寻找同性恋者,双胞胎,熊,爸爸,肌肉男,亨克,DWT,男孩的聊天,图片,视频和约会 GayRoyal为您提供 ...

Jack'd - 男同志聊天与约会
我们拥有超过 1,500 万用户,遍布 2,000 个城市和 180 个国家。我们很自豪能成为 QPOC 最大的约会应用程序。 Jack'd 是一家独立且由 LGBTQ+...

myBOY - Gay Chat & Dating
myBOY is the Gay Dating and Hookup App for gay men and the LGBT community. Open for everyone Features: -- have quality profiles with many detailed...

Hornet - Queer Social Network
Hornet is the top gay chat and dating app for making authentic, quality connections with genuine queer users. Gay, bi, trans, pan, non-binary, and queer...

Gay Chat - Catscha
CATSCHA is the favorite free dating app for gay, bi, trans, and queer people to connect. A date, hookup, relationship, or friendship? Whatever you’re...

SURGE – Gay Dating & Chat
SURGE是专为男同性恋、双性恋、跨性别和酷儿所设计的应用程序。 不论您是想来场约会、寻找爱情或是友情,SURGE都能满足您!认识当地想找乐子或找对象的男同性恋、双性恋、和跨性用户。 使用免费版SURGE,或升级到高级会员,解锁所有功能,并获得更多配对机会! 免费配对和聊天 •浏览—查看附近的用户,喜欢?向右...

两颗红豆- 全球的高颜值精英都在用的聊天、约会、交友软件
不想再孤单一人?期待一段走心的感情?希望结识同地区优质的朋友?害怕网络上都是骗子?快来两颗红豆吧,十年打造真实、安全、优质的交友品台。好看的外表和有趣的灵魂在这里等你! 【范围广】不管身居任何城市,想要结识新朋友、找到有趣的灵魂,两颗红豆超强数据库帮你天涯海角找到TA,不错过任何一个可能性!有可能TA也正在世...

BEARWWW : Gay Chat, Dating App
BEARWWW is the dating app for Gay and Bisexual men people, where all identities and styles are welcome (Bear, chaser, daddy, otter, strong, hairy, cub,...

Beuronline chat gay ethnique
Wesh mec ! Ici tu vas trouver les lascars de téci, kiffeurs de skets, bogosses minets, mâles virils et musclés, travelos très chics, mecs BCBG, geek,...

NextBoy - Gay Hookup & Dating
Discove gay men nearby with the fastest-growing gay dating and social networking app on Apple App Store. Whether you’re looking for dating, friendship or a...